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Friday, May 12, 2017

UMD Students Fed Up With Diversity Issues Following Found Noose

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Many University of Maryland students remain on edge in College Park after a noose is found hanging inside a fraternity house.

Police are calling this a hate bias incident.

Students are getting impatient on a campus where racial tensions are being felt more than ever.

Students are fed up with diversity issues that have rocked the entire campus.

“We pay tuition here, we fund this university,” one student said.



  1. The problem is nobody wants people to get along. the Maryland University gives preference in everything to minorities. Why is it not the same for everybody? Why are the subjects presented not equal in all aspects? Instead they lean one way or the other and never inclusive but always partisan. They even give in-state tuition to non-Maryland residents and illegal / legal immigrants, on the tax payers expense, while other students are charged outrageous tuition. Then they complain about disgruntled students. Just treat everybody equal and leave out the preference BS. We are all equal in this world but some wants dissention because they feel like they are owed something for nothing.

  2. Um... covering up womens hair with a hijab is not really what I consider to be spreading diversity with a bull horn. Liberals are so funny.

  3. A little piece of braided rope causing all of this, people are getting their panties in a knot for a prank. Give it no attention, and this stuff would go away.

    1. So true! A swaztika is just a crooked cross. A white robe and a pointy hood is just a costume...

  4. I like the eyeroll the guy next to her is giving. It kind of says it all!

  5. Without even looking into this these students are the ones hanging nooses, These false allegations are always aimed at the white students and always turn out to be committed by the agitators. Their should be a law designed for these types of false racism.

  6. snowflakes getting their last lil'bit of attention before they are released to the REAL WORLD...only to shutter back to their momma's teet!

    This generation is OUR future? Gosh help us ALL!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The forced diversity and affirmative action programs are the root of this issue! Make it based on ability and potential instead of quotas and see what happens. If you don't let thug-potential in, you don't get thug activities!

  8. "The worst part is there are some people that don’t even understand the significance of a noose and having to explain to them what it means,” Amanuel says."

    So the worst part is that today's young people are ignorant of the symbols of racism. Hmmm. Seems that should be celebrated. Things are changing. And racism would die without adjitators or allcolors stirring the pot.


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