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Friday, May 05, 2017

Two stages set for Saturday’s Berlin Jazz & Blues Bash

The 10th annual Berlin Jazz and Blues Bash returns this Saturday with nine acts, including youth bands, local and regional touring groups and, for the first time, the U.S. Navy Jazz Band Commodores.

Sponsored by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, the event will feature wine from Whaleyville vintner Costa Ventosa and beer from Berlin’s Burley Oak Brewing Company. Food and art vendors and a children’s art activity area will round out the event.

Organizer Steve Frene noted that the new date corresponds with Springfest in Ocean City. Jazz and Blues was held in June last year.

“That, of course, benefits us because there are thousands of people who come to Ocean City every year and it’s so easy for them to come over here in Berlin,” he said. “So, we’re back on that date and we’re excited about it.”

Frene will emcee the event with Jim Meckley of New York Connection, one of the festival acts.


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