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Monday, May 01, 2017

Trump to stick with conservative list for next Supreme Court pick

President Trump will turn to the same list of conservative potential U.S. Supreme Court nominees he rolled out during the campaign to fill the next vacancy on the high court, he told The Washington Times in an exclusive interview in which he also predicted his first pick, Justice Neil Gorsuch, will leave a lasting impression on the court.

Mr. Trump said he’s heard rumors about the chances that one of the justices will retire when the current court session ends in June, but said he doesn’t have any inside knowledge.

“I don’t know. I have a lot of respect for Justice Kennedy, but I just don’t know,” Mr. Trump said, referring to the senior member of the bench, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. “I don’t like talking about it. I’ve heard the same rumors that a lot of people have heard. And I have a lot of respect for that gentleman, a lot.”



  1. I voted for trump and Trump needs to make TED CRUZ a JUSTICE.

  2. 5;34, There are better picks than Cruz. He's a RINO and doesn't qualify in my book,

  3. Ditto 5:34
    I never could stand him, so glad we didn't have to listen to that dude ramble on for four years. He is so programmed, won't let anyone have a word when he gets going like a recorder.


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