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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Trump: 'Single Greatest Witch Hunt' in American History

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Thursday to blast the probe of possible ties between his campaign and Russia, calling it "the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"
His tweet came on the heels of a shot at Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent for the White House, and his predecessor, Barack Obama.
With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councel appointed!
Trump's Twitter salvo came after the Justice Department appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel to lead the investigation.

iMueller will have sweeping powers and the authority to prosecute any crimes he uncovers.

The surprise announcement to hand the probe over to Mueller, a lawman with deep bipartisan respect, was a striking shift for Trump's Justice Department, which had resisted increasingly loud calls from Democrats for an outside prosecutor. It immediately escalated the legal stakes — and the potential political damage — for a president who has tried to dismiss the matter as partisan witch hunt and a "hoax."



  1. Massive BS from the deep state Obamanite/communists and the fake MSM.

  2. So true and so sick of it 😕 I have never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies but you have to admit the meltdown has been fun to watch 😂

  3. It would be counsel but not many of you people would know the difference or care.

  4. All this is because Pres. Trump could not during elections be bought and still cannot be bought / controlled and the "shadow government", Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and Soros along with the rogue Politians such as McCain, Kasich, Graham, Busch family and the rest and they despise him bringing the government back to the people.

  5. 3:04. How about because he's completely unfit to be president and all the big HUGE things he ran on and got votes for are just pipe dreams. Rubio called him a con man and that's just what he is. No wall, no Obamacare repeal, jobs still leaving (see Ford news), and apparently no idea how to get things done with a Republican House and Senate. Smoke and mirrors. People need to wake up!

    1. Well said. Deaf ears around here though. No funds for building the wall in the budget, a proposed health care bill that nobody likes, tax reform now being put off until "hopefully next year". Not coming through on any of the promises, while committing one gaffe after another. And when someone makes a sensible comment like this, the only reply is "well your a liberal". It's really incredible.

    2. What gaffe has he committed? And don't quote me CNN. Give me cold hard facts. Nothing biased I am curious tho. Do you think he has been impeded by confess? Do you think everything the media says is true? Do you think people should give him a chance? Do you think Hillary should be in prison?

    3. Hey @3:47 I'm still waiting for my answer!

  6. 347 just because someone hasn't been corrupted and raised through the ranks as a politician doesn't mean he's not fit to be president. Most of the country do not agree with you, thank God. You're a moron that needs to wake up. You're an a-hole. People like you have caused too much division in this country. You are as unAmerican as anyone can be. Go live in some socialist country moron and leave America alone.

  7. 3:47 He has been in office a little over 100 days and you expect him to fix all the damage done by Obama? You need to wake up! He has had nothing but resistance from liberal crybabies like you. You and your liberal friends and politicians stomp your feet and throw tantrums because your candidate lost. It is you and people like you that are dividing America. So why don't you just sit down and shut the f up for once. Go buy a box of Kleenex and cry in it. Democrats are ruining this country.

  8. Took 30 years to make this mess and it's going to take a few more minutes than 15 to clean it up. If anyone is able to do it, it will be Trump. Why else would all the liberals, media and GOP establishment be scared for him to succeed? Use your noodles, poodles.

  9. Most Republicans in Congress are a sack of poop.

  10. @7:13 Trump is dealing with the delayed 2016 budget still, cleaning up Obama's mess. Stay tuned. Deplorables are not going away. 😜

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2017 at 11:23 PM

    3:04 & 7:13 I guess expected Trump to come in and wave his magic stick and pull the rabbit out of the hat? Man has been on the job for 100 days trying to fix 8 years of Barack, 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Clinton. Sorry to tell you, but it will take some time and a lot of fighting to get it done right for the people. Besides, Trump has had road blocks thrown in his way by all of those Career Liberal Politicians, their controlled media and bunch of Rhino's as well. Just because I'm not getting instant results, am I gonna cave in to these Liberal Communists? No. That Democ-rat Party Ship is slowly sinking and more it sinks the louder they scream like rats scared of water. And their MSM channels are loosing viewers as never before. And Snowflakes are having meltdowns, cannot believe they have been lied to by all of their heroes, Clinton's, Obama's, Sanders, Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein, Warren and many more. What a spectacle to watch.

  12. The Witches should be Hunting for Hillary / Obama / and
    the Clinton Foundation / incl Chelsea !!!!!

    I don't want them wine over Trump or anyone else Until
    this is done FIRST.........

  13. No matter WHO the Republican Pres was
    The same thing would be taking place
    The Party of NO (Demon-crats) at work to destroy / hate

  14. Can't do anything to anybody Unless Hillary /Obama/
    Pelosi/Shumer/ Cunningham go to Prison....

    There is No Law or Justice Until then ...........


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