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Monday, May 29, 2017

The surprising history of Arlington National Cemetery

The iconic landscape of Arlington National Cemetery is familiar to most Americans — rolling green hills spotted white with the headstones of America's fallen heroes.

But fewer people probably realize it's one of only two cemeteries classified as Army National Military Cemeteries. Arlington, along with the Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., is in that category, and both fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army.

Most people who've visited Arlington in person know the land once belonged to the family of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee — his home is difficult to miss perched atop the hill. But the land actually passed into the possession of Lee's family from George Washington's step-grandson. George Washington Parke Custis "spent his life commemorating Washington and built Arlington House on the 1,100-acre plantation as a memorial to the first president," according to Arlington's website. "In 1857, Custis willed the property to his daughter Mary Anna Randolph Custis, who in 1831 had married U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Robert E. Lee."



  1. As we today honor the fallen, I thank God that I am old and remember a lot of history, as I lived a lot of it. So grateful to have been taught history in school, of all places.(sarc). I sometimes feel that the ones that gave their all for this country died in vain,as we see daily where history is being erased.

  2. Agreed 1238. It does seem like they'd died in vain when we look at how liberals act in this country and the erosion of area history like in New Orleans. Its just really sad to see the decay of everything people have fought and died for. It's a disgrace.

  3. I agree with both commenters.
    The US is not the same Country it once was, and it may lead us to question:
    Was it ever what we THOUGHT it was?
    Who was in control of it?
    Who was writing the history books?

  4. As a lot of southern states are removing Confederate statues and now Baltimore I've learned that Democrats are planning to dig up Confederate soldiers resting in Arlington national cemetery and relocate them. appalling.


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