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Monday, May 08, 2017

The Millinnial Marriage Proposal


  1. I'm surprised she could stay off her phone long enough to even redo the proposal.

  2. so funny, yet so true...

  3. I guess i will have to live until 150 if we expect these idiots to protect America Worst generatiin EVER.

  4. Wife's comment, "It would have been a lot better video if he had just tossed her over the edge..."

  5. I would have taken the ring back and walked away after the third failure to say yes and never asked her that question again. But, I'm not a Millenial, either!

  6. 10:50 I, a millennial, did two tours. What have you done?

  7. 2:25 You're the minority the 1in10 that has done anything other than sleep til noon in mom's basement Because you played online games until 4am.

  8. 2:25 pm - Frst of all 'thank you'. I really do appreciate the sacrifices you made for our protection.

    Second of all - chill out. Get over yourself. You have to admit that your generation is pretty much a bunch of idiotic, narcissistic selfish, dweebs with sad little safe spaces and micro aggression crap, basement dwelling living let's accept everybody kind of mentality. Except for you of course...

  9. 225
    I didn't know the Dead was still touring!

    And to make it twice in recent times?
    I'm amazed.

    How do they sound?
    Did you dose?

  10. 2:25, thank you for your service.

    However, a lot of people served and never find reason to mention it.

    My gen was called the "me generation." Not without its own sense of rancor. I never let it bother me, because it didn't apply. I figured the label reflected more about the person using it than anyone else.



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