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Friday, May 19, 2017

The Leftists


  1. People still listen to this idiot? Go back in time on her twitter feed and you'll discover she was another whiny democrat before someone gave her a microphone.

  2. 11:05 - go put your little pink hat back on. Tomi is by no means an idiot and tells it straight from the heart. There is no BS with her and she is actually quite the educated woman, something that I see you are not. So what that she was a Dem before - that gives her even more street creed in my eyes because she has seen the Dark Side before and knows how you and them act and think. You having to make a negative comment to begin with shows me what type of simpleton you are. Have a glorious weekend!!

  3. 11:37 I don't think it was a negative comment, I think they were pointing out the obvious lol. Your backhanded "holier than thou" comment was the rude one and I wish YOU a most glorious weekend. Keep gulping down the punch that she and Fox news feeds you. And for the record I am a REPUBLICAN.

  4. DEMON-CRATS !!!

  5. 130 anyone can write in a comment they're a republican. Take a chill pill. Life's too short to get yourself all worked up over comments.

  6. Anonymous said...
    11:37 I don't think it was a negative comment, I think they were pointing out the obvious lol. Your backhanded "holier than thou" comment was the rude one and I wish YOU a most glorious weekend. Keep gulping down the punch that she and Fox news feeds you. And for the record I am a REPUBLICAN.

    May 19, 2017 at 1:30 PM

    Are you one of those Log Cabin Republicans?

  7. I think I would date her in a heart beat!

  8. 203 LOL Too funny! You cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh. A good one!

  9. certainly Not a Chelsea !!!

  10. Anonymous said...
    203 LOL Too funny! You cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh. A good one!

    May 19, 2017 at 2:07 PM

    You wouldn't date her?

  11. She is a Blackmail Spy for the Dems to set up Republicans
    who are married !!!!
    Look out Trump !!!

  12. Replies
    1. 9:50 She's an insult to Barbie!!!!


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