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Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Latest Sad, Pathetic Trend Is 'Sologamy,' Where People Marry Themselves

There have been some pretty weird trends. From saggy britches to pet rocks, people have embraced some bizarre ideas of what is cool. The fashions of the '70s and '80s give testament to that all on their own.

However, now there's something happening that is described as a growing trend that tops them all. It seems that an increasing number of people are marrying themselves.

“I would describe it as women saying yes to themselves,” [Erika] Anderson said. “It means that we are enough, even if we are not partnered with someone else."

In many ways, the 37-year-old bride looked like any other on her wedding day. She wore a white dress and had a bouquet. Anderson looked stunning with the Brooklyn bridge and New York City skyline behind her.

Except when she walked down the aisle, no one was waiting for her. That’s just the way she wanted it.

Anderson said she grew tired of people asking why she was still single. So, in front of family and friends she married herself.

Self-marriage—or sologamy—is growing. Partly because it’s popping up in pop culture, like when an episode of ‘Sex and the City’ floated the idea.

Of course, this idea will only last as long as it takes for the individual to meet someone special. Anderson admits as much, saying she's open to dating and marriage with someone else.



  1. Good, now she can go FHS. I'm sorry, did I say that out loud? LOL!

  2. Ah, yes. This is the Reptilian plans. Implant leaders with brain control chips, instill the masses with insane ideas (liberals) so thAt the whole becomes a part of the Alien demons! Fear not, my sweet ones! For it has been revealed that You are the liberated ones! You will live to see the insane mind ideas (from alien demons) that Obama's handlers enabled dissapear!

    1. Batsh!t crazy, this guy right here.

  3. Good news. They deserve themselves.

  4. This has got to be a liberal thing.

  5. Even though 729 has some additional research to do. (Read Bible) he's not far off the mark! this is demonic possession! it's biblical! it happens! and we're experiencing in Nationwide. Allot of Sad souls missing true love. So you always have to ask yourself..what would Jesus do?(WWJD)

  6. So if she meets someone and wants to marry him/her does she need a legal divorce? She would have to prove that she hasn't had sex with herself for one full year. I hope her lawyer goes after her with the same zeal as if she married another real life person and really sticks it to her.

  7. You are almost on to something, 6:31. She can file to divorce herself, however, if she can prove that she committed adultery on herself. Isn't this weird? Aren't liberals weird?

  8. Well.... it does mean tax breaks and discounts on insurance, and interest rates are better for a "married" person.

    Makes sense to me!

  9. I wonder if she can take a marriage deduction on her income taxes?

  10. So, if she goes out with someone, is she "cheating?"

  11. If she can marry herself, does she have to go to court to get a divorce if she's not happy?

  12. this is one of the stupidest, most ridiculous things I have ever heard of.


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