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Monday, May 01, 2017

The Democrats’ First 100 Days

Let's reverse angle. The president's first 100 days in office have been analyzed, dissected, evaluated. Not much left to say about them. What about the opposition? What do the Democrats have to show for these first months of the Trump era?

Little. Trump's defeats have not come at the Democrats' hands. Those setbacks have been self-inflicted (over-the-top tweets, hastily written policies, few sub-cabinet nominations) or have come from the judiciary (the travel ban, the sanctuary cities order) or from Republican infighting (health care). Deregulation, Keystone pipeline, immigration enforcement—Democrats have been powerless to stop them.

Chuck Schumer slow-walked Trump's nominations as best he could. In fact his obstruction was unprecedented. But the cabinet is filling up, the national security team in place. On the Supreme Court, Schumer miscalculated royally. He forced an end to the filibuster for judicial appointments, yet lost anyway. If another appointment opens this summer, and the Republicans hold together, the Democrats will have zero ability to prevent the Court from moving right. No matter what he says in public, Schumer can't possibly think that a success.

What is the Democratic agenda? What does the party have to offer besides disunity, obstruction, incoherence, obsession, and obliviousness?

More here


  1. President Trump is losing his "nads" to the Dems.....he is backing down every time they cross paths....sad to see, soon he will just as ineffective as Obammy!!! HOW DOES IT HAPPEN with majority control??? In his own expression....BAD!

  2. The Republican party is self destructing. If Ryan is allowed to stay n his position it won't be long before all the gains the GOP has made will be gone for lack of a plan of action or just plain inaction

  3. Dems don't have to do nothing but do what they are doing. The Republicans back down every time. They have no backbone to stand up to the DumbocRAT bullies. The Republicans will lose the Senate and Presidency and possibly the House in the next two elections. Then watch the DumbocRATs finish their agenda and make the US a Socialist / Communist country. All the thanks will go to the Spineless Republicans who would not challenge and stand up to the DumbocRAT bullies. After 47 years of being a faithful voter I am starting to wonder why vote? There is never change for the better and they always turn out to be crooks looking out for themselves and their financial status.

  4. Frankly I think Schumer and Pelosi will be the swan song of the liberals. They look and sound ridiculous and Maxine Waters...well nough said.


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