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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

‘Surge’ in ‘Trans Children’: Top Private School Brings in Skirts for Boys

One of Britain’s top private schools is bringing in ‘gender-neutral’ uniforms that would allow boys to wear skirts, as teachers report growing numbers of children ‘questioning their gender identity’.

The move by Highgate School in north London comes as activist pupils at schools across the country are demanding ‘gender-neutral’ bathroom facilities, a ban on terms they deem ‘sexist’, and for teachers to use gender-neutral pronouns such as “they”.

“This generation is really questioning being binary in the way we look at things,” headteacher Adam Pettitt told The Sunday Times.



  1. This is a direct result of the crap the teachers are feeding our children..

  2. What we are seeing is the reaping of what we have sown for decades! demonic ideology indoctrinating our children! We have allowed Public Schools poison the minds of generations God help us

  3. Just call them "Kilts", and all will be as it should be.

  4. This is not "liberal teachers" this is insane liberal judicial activism. Stop teacher bashing.

    1. Generally speaking,which ideology have teachers supported? They didn't achieve this bad rap for no reason. If the majority of teachers don't support the curriculum,why don't they do something about it? What's more important,our children and countrys future or your job?

  5. Hey, 8:20, if the "teachers" comply with insane liberal justice activism when "teaching" the children, how the heck are they not guilty of propagating the disaster?

    You are one liberal socialist idiot if you make excuses for this ruination of our culture.

  6. every child questions their gender at one time or other.
    Why am I ...


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