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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Students Marched Out Of Graduation As Vice President Mike Pence Took The Stage


  1. Snowflakes! I wonder if any of them worked to help pay their way thru college. They'll be walking off their jobs every time something doesn't go their way! This is what the liberals are raising today! God help us!

  2. Disrespectful and Disgusting.

  3. What they don't know is that, pence and Trump are creating better job prospects for graduates. Look how many grads over the last 8 years who couldn't get jobs.

  4. Snowflakes can't deal with anything. Good luck getting a job in the real world.

  5. Those are the snowflakes who will affix COEXIST stickers on their Prius' and Volvos.

  6. IN this case, take their diplomas...

  7. Looks like they just asked the losers to leave!!

  8. Very good riddance, pure rude trash. Not worthy of being there in the presence of Vice President Pence. I would love to see one of those faces appear before a board interview for employment and everyone get up and leave. Send them home where they were raised by failed parents.

  9. There was a time when the youth of America joined together in a similar protest against a President that was bombing civilians and hamlets in Vietnam, causing death and destruction for a war that could not be won.
    Today, the crux of their protest alludes me.
    What, exactly, are they protesting?

  10. very un mature, and rude, their parents should be disgraced!

  11. Probably had to go to the playdough room or some other safe place to cry
    Hope they didnt get to walk either

  12. A bunch of ignorant damn snowflakes who cannot think for themselves.

  13. Marching out to moms basement?

  14. Notre Dame - they should know better...

    Need to keep the video so I'll know who not to hire when they show up asking for a job!

  15. They are going to get chewed up and spit out in the work force. They only jobs they will be able to get is with a solar company.

  16. I had to sit through SUs Dec commencement listening to Dudley Eshbach get on her soapbox about Trump...no one walked out on that and she's in an area Trump easily carried. Bunch of sore losers is all they are.

  17. And all of them will make double what all you whiners make with their degree. Freedom of speech people, everyone has it.

  18. 10:19 - not in any position that I am the hiring manager for! Their actions show a distinct lack of tolerance which they espouse as a virtue - true hypocrisy!

    I do not take away their right to do what they did - that is freedom of speech...protected by out constitution! Their actions do reveal a character flaw which makes them unemployable for the positions I work in!

    1. 10:45 Not very likely these Notre Dame grads will be coming to Slumsbury looking for a job!!!🙄🙄

  19. 10:19 I hope you are right but history shows me they are marching right to mommas basement with their liberal arts degree in tow.
    There is a thing called respect. Something their parents obliviously didn't teach them. And apparently your parents didn't either.

  20. I'm surprised that some of them didn't refuse to wear a mortarboard when given their diplomas, opting instead for the pussy hat.

  21. Of the women, how many would become pregnant immediately after receiving their draft notices?

  22. No parent or student should pay or generate massive debt to attend a school that promotes this kind of disrespect. They should also be defunded of taxpayer money as well. Academia is going to be purged and let's hope UMES and SU are in the front of that line. Time to shut these agenda-pushers down once and for all. Students should make up their own minds based on real-life facts not garbage created by those who worship theory over reality. After all, that's what a professor is, a theorist. The biggest conspiracy theorists in our society.

  23. This is the school administration fault. Politcs have no place in a commencement. The speaker should be one who is there to encourage the graduates not be vocally on one side of the fence. Its offending either way. When are these administrations going to realize this.

  24. Ah, the trials and tribulations of affirmative action and snowflakes! A smorgasbord of morons and lunacy!

  25. Yes, and the few who left were IMMEDIATELY shunned by the remaining soon to be grads.

  26. Indeed. Everyone does have freedom of speech.

    Not everyone has class.
    Perhaps they will just as committed when their real world boss says something politically or socially offensive to them.
    As they bounce from job to job.
    The character traits of a 9 year old child do not go over well in the real "working for a living" world.
    It was the wrong place and time for that.
    I question their character, their judgment, and their integrity.


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