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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Remember Allen Bullock, the face of rioting in Baltimore? Here's what happened to him

You may not remember his name, but you probably remember the fun he had afterFreddie Gray died.

Gray died two years ago on Sunday, April 19, 2015, from injuries sustained a week earlier in the back of a police van. Peaceful protests over his treatment had begun the night before. After his death, tensions between the Baltimore community and police simmered. As national and international media focused on Baltimore, protests swelled, and street insults got ugly, but things remained relatively calm. On Saturday, the 25th, they finally boiled over. A march from the west side toward City Hall crossed the paths of the crowd heading to an Orioles game.

At South Howard and West Pratt a jubilant mob caught up with several parked police cars, marked and unmarked. According to charging documents, 18-year-old Allen Bullock led a celebration of destruction. Using an orange traffic cone, he broke out the side window of an unmarked police car and tried to use its public-address system; failing in the attempt, he ripped it out. With other men he tried and failed to flip the car. He mounted the hood and used the cone to smash in the windshield. With two other young men he danced on several of the car roofs, and kicked out the rear window of another unmarked car. In another marked police car he found a peaked police cap and set it on his head at a rakish angle (he would later post a photograph of himself wearing the hat on his Facebook page). Social and other media captured much of the party. Mr. Bullock and his traffic cone made the front page of Sunday's Baltimore Sun.

The incident released four nights and days of mayhem, Baltimore's worst rioting since April 1968. Our city got a black eye from which it is still trying to recover.



  1. That's crazy no wonder Baltimore is the toilet of Maryland

  2. And some wonder what is wrong with Baltimore City SMH

  3. This clown is a poster child not only for the rioting, but for a failed justice system. His presentencing statement "I'll take it like a man..." and his subsequent failure to even marginally comply with his overly generous probation requirements tell us that he doesn't have any intention of "taking it like a man". He's taking it like a punk, the punk that he was and still is.

  4. good good good.

  5. That's why people are leaving Baltimore. I'll spend none of my dollars in that crap hole. What a shame. I lived on Charles Street for 2 years during the 80's and it was a great and wonderful experience. So sad.

  6. Time to bring back flogging to the town square.


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