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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Reality of Terror

This little 8 year old girl -- someone's cousin, friend, neighbor, granddaughter, daughter, niece, sibling, child -- died last night -- all because she wanted to see an anti-American Disney artist who promotes the very people who killed her!

Let that sink in!

When some liberal or the media starts barking at you about how horrible President Trump is towards unvetted immigration from terror countries, just remember this little girl's face.


  1. I didn't know who the performer was so I did some research. Wow! I can't believe what pos the fake artist is... I think maybe she could be the most pretentious, hypocrite , ego maniac non talented person I have EVER read about....

  2. You are preaching to the choir. Unfortunately democrats place no value on life including that of their own children. Democrats are on the same level as the terrorists themselves.

  3. 9:04 What? You actually did research??? That is not possible you people are to stupid and lazy to research anything.... You always believe the media over anyone with a brain or evidence...

  4. 919 you think your comment makes you look smart? Makes you look like you've got it all going on? No, makes you look like an insensitive a-hole who permeates the liberals in this area. You are the one who is the idiot that plays to the media BS and champions morons like this donut licking, America hater. Go back to your rock, your urchins are calling for you.

  5. Tell that to the parents of the children that died at the Murrah Federal Building when Timothy McVeigh blew it up.

  6. I know right 9:21. It's the democrats who run with and repeat all the lies rammed down their putrid throats. It's the democrats who not only are inherently violent but are liars by nature. Take the "Russian collusion." While there is no evidence and it's been confirmed by the intelligence community there isn't any they are 'to (to?) stupid and lazy to research' and repeat the nonsense like the good little Nazis they really are.

  7. 929 Timothy McVeigh and this situation have nothing in common except they're both terrorist events. What's your point? Timothy McVeigh wasn't selling music and concert tickets, cheering terrorists on to destroy kids. You really need to get some reading comprehension and deductive reasoning skills because your comment makes no sense. It's like comparing a tiger with a baseball.

  8. Who ever is on the Watch list round them up and EXECUTE THEM.

  9. 9:19 - That would be yourself you are explaining. You sure are a DOLT!

  10. " Anonymous said...

    Tell that to the parents of the children that died at the Murrah Federal Building when Timothy McVeigh blew it up.

    May 23, 2017 at 9:29 AM"

    What? You people are just as barbaric and uncivilized as the terrorists themselves. You are just a disgusting waste of oxygen. The federal building bombing only proves we have enough of our own terrorists we should be concentrating on and not allowing others into our country who seek to do harm. Not that I expect someone so crude and uncivilized as yourself to ever understand this concept. You democrats are so perverted on ALL levels.

  11. Sounds like a few people need to do a little bit of research on the Oklahoma City Bombing event.
    That building was blown from the inside out.
    Little Timmy was quickly put to death so he couldn't talk.
    He was involved alright - but only as a dupe.
    That event (like 911) was a military / intelligence operation.

    1. Sure it was whack job, and Elvis pushed the button.

  12. How much more do we have to take before we take the gloves off?

    1. I cant wait to stomp a snowflake.

  13. Huh 11:24? 6 years later is hardly "quickly put to death."

  14. I think these pre-teen girls were there for her music.

  15. WOW...hey folks, only 3 days until TGIF. If necessary have a drink earlier! WOW!


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