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Friday, May 26, 2017

Random Act of kindness in memory of our daughter.

As many of you know we lost our daughter 6 years ago this coming May 31st. She passed one day after her 26th birthday from her life long battle with cystic fibrosis. We find it difficult enough that she is gone but happening so close to her birthday makes for a roller coaster of emotions. So we have decided after having a very successful event last year to have another one this year. This event is just a way to try and do something that would represent Heather's kind heart and give us some joy knowing that she is still making a difference and touching lives in a positive way. We are inviting anyone who would like to join us from wherever you are on May 30th and / or May 31st to help make a positive difference in the lives of others. 

While we know that many of us do such acts everyday and not just certain days or events this is something we want to do to help keep our daughters memory. So if you are interested please join us and buy someone a cup of coffee, a meal or what ever you choose to do to brighten someone else's day. And please feel free to tell who ever you are giving to who your act of kindness is for if you choose. She would love it ........and so would we.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this Joe. With all the bad news circulating we appreciate your sharing a positive post that we can all participate in.

  2. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=random%20act%20of%20kindness%20in%20memory%20of%20our%20daughter. Click on this site to join us in making memories for Heather.

  3. I worked with Heather many years ago at Denny's. She was always so positive and never felt sorry for herself. Even knowing she was on borrowed time. Sorry for your loss.


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