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Thursday, May 04, 2017

Purdue Professor Argues Images of Aborted Babies Are ‘Child Pornography’

A professor at Purdue University argued that images of aborted babies constitute “child pornography” in a recent debate over abortion rights.

Professor David Sanders, an associate professor of Biology at Purdue University, accusedpro-lifers who use images of aborted fetuses of participating in “child pornography” activities.

Sanders remarks begin at 38:00.



  1. Perdue have u lost ur Gn Mind ?

  2. But wait...according to the liberals, they aren't babies!!!!

  3. 12:13 Awesome reply!

  4. And the assistant prof. of BIOLOGY, probably teaches that psychological gender identity is more accurate than biological gender. He is a flake. His teaching credentials should be rescinded.

  5. By definition, it can only be child pornography if the pictures are of children. Ergo, he agrees that abortion is murder of children, as children are living beings. He is so dumb that he doesn't realize that he supports pro-lifers with that ridiculous assertion.

  6. Is he any relation to "The Bern"? Birds of a feather...

  7. Was the image of the dead child washed up on the European shore of the Mediterranean Sea child porn?

    How about My Lai? Was that photo child porn??

  8. That award winning photo of the naked Vietnamese girl running from the napalm attack was definitely child pornography (naked image), yet it was plastered on the cover of Newsweek, Time, and every other anti-war publication of the time. Still can be viewed online, if you're into that kind of thing.


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