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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Professor: "Some White People May Have to Die" to Solve Racism

Blacks may need to 'kill white people in self-defense'

A Texas A&M professor says that “some white people may have to die” in order to solve racism and bring about true equality.

Professor Tommy Curry expressed his frustration during a podcast that the movie Django Unchained made killing white people look fun, when in reality it should be part of a serious discussion.

Curry referenced black civil rights leader Robert F. Williams and slave rebellion leader Nat Turner because they “thought about killing white people as self-defense” and this “tradition” is still very “relevant.”



  1. SO when the next one happens (probably before I finish this sentence), can he be locked away for inciting murder (hate bias)?

  2. Can't believe these comments. African Americans are still a minority and it hasn't been that long ago there were lynchings for the least infraction. I would suggest trying to reach out and unify rather than divide.

  3. Professor of Stupidity.

  4. Yeah, go ahead and make it a war on white people. Let's see if 13% of the population can win that one. What a buffoon!

  5. I don't know about killing whites, but they are doing a pretty good job of killing each other.

    1. they are color blind

    2. As you did as well. Simpler easy way to sent post response faster but by all means if you think that Mr curry and his ideals and comments are within reason I'd be more than happy to forward them to you as well. I have no problem defending myself by any means necessary against persons that think whites need to die. It removes any doubt on how I should respond and what your intentions are. I'll be waiting

    3. As you did as well. Simpler easy way to sent post response faster but by all means if you think that Mr curry and his ideals and comments are within reason I'd be more than happy to forward them to you as well. I have no problem defending myself by any means necessary against persons that think whites need to die. It removes any doubt on how I should respond and what your intentions are. I'll be waiting

  6. I'm just wondering what's going to happen to all his homies sucking off the white man if we are all killed?

  7. Just sent this POS an email at Texas a&m with all my personal info let's see what he's really made of

    1. But your anonymous on here?

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Didnt think that one through huh 10:40. Lmaoss

  8. Dr. Tommy, what is this piece of feces doctor of? The S.O.B. needs to be taken out back. Talks about black children being killed. I have never killed a black child or anyone in my white privileged life. If these nut jobs would keep their nose clean and be productive citizens, there would be no time for such foolery. You see educated blacks everywhere that are in a different frame of mind. So when it is stated percentage wise how many blacks are the make up of this nation, don't forget most are good people and would not be in the program of killing anyone. So for you bad boys, start it and you know what happens to the mouthy ones that start a fight. They get what they "axe" for. Oh, I am a member of the NRA and a under control owner of equalizers for protection only, not hunting.

  9. How many professors at SU are doing this same exact thing in their classes? How many of the lunatic fringe liberals over there are teaching your kids the same hate and division as this guy? Would be interesting to see just how many? Students can comment here under anonymity, maybe some will let us know.

  10. College has ruined a lot of young minds.

  11. 510 you better hope so because if you're not, then everyone you know will realize you're illiterate.

  12. Just how many is "some" pray tell?

  13. He hates being black. They all do.

    1. They all do? Lol who is that white woman posing as black? Guess i would be sane to say all white folks hate being white

  14. Christ another doctor. In what AFRICAN STUDIES??

  15. Dr. Tommy Curry is an embarrassment to the human race how could any black man or woman be successful person with this ding dong teaching anyone anything but that seems to be the norms for most collage professors black and white

  16. I guess he thinks white people will line up to get shot.

    It would be more like lining up fields of fire.
    Outnumbered by tens of millions and DEFINITELY outgunned, that "revolt" would last less than a week.
    I wonder, how has this fat bastid EVER suffered because of slavery. Looks to me like he has a prestigious job and salary. And all he wants to do is kill white people? And he still has a JOB??
    He should thank God he's black. A white professor would already be reporting for the night shift at McDonalds, wishing he hadn't said anything about killing large numbers of black citizens (just because they're black).
    CNN would have run that story for weeks.

    Keep cheering.


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