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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Presumed Guilty?


  1. So much truth in this. The libtards brains are seriously whacked!

  2. If they impeach Trump over this witch hunt, look for the Civil War to soon happen. If you think this country is divided, you haven't seen anything yet!

  3. By getting a special prosecutor, the Clintons are now in bull's eye once again. Every case opened, presented to and closed by Comey will be reopened and investigated. Comey may also find himself in dire straits because of his obstructions of justice and ignoring the laws. A lot of people in DC should be scared to death. This is really Trump's move against the nonsense. He was consulted and agreed it was the thing to do, not that media will tell you this went down because he asked for it.

  4. Declared Comey was incompetent, reopen every Clinton investigation, and let the chips fall where they may!

  5. If a civil war is to come target the media overlords first.

  6. They ought to have a stack of boxes in the other corner of Obama's crimes that they never did anything about.

  7. Exactly how it is....but Nothing ever gets done about it !!

  8. Shows how damn Corrupt our USA Gov't really is !!.........


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