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Sunday, May 28, 2017

President Trump's Speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit


  1. President Trump looks more presidential than Obama ever did and he proves he is a leader among national leaders. The Media will have a hard time finding fault with this speech, but I'm sure they'll find a way.

  2. It was a strong speech. Democrats and other leftists' greatest fear is of President Trump succeeding. They will do anything from letting that happen. Next to Iran, leftists and Democrats are the greatest threat to our nation, and to western civilization as well and above all ISIS knows American democrats are their biggest supporters. It's very very unfortunate that democrats haven't the ability to see this fact.

    1. The democrats (liberal-ultras, not blue dogs) have mental defects and wish everyone would be bowel maters

  3. As far as a threat it this country, there is not much difference between democrats and isis

  4. Liberals are outraged by the speech but they cannot determine why.

  5. Follow the money. That is what they don't want. Go Trump(map)

  6. Thank you Mr. Trump (map)

  7. 12:21, Iran is no threat to our nation. It was the USA that overthrew the legitimate elected gov. of Iran in 1953.It was our gov. that supported and encouraged Iraq in the Iran & Iraq war. What is the common denominator in all the wars and problems in the Middle East? ( Israhell/USA)

    1. Kinda like what their trying to do to Trump! You agree?

  8. It was especially gratifying to hear Trump acknowledge Islam as one of the world's great religions. It was a great speech.

    1. President Trump has said it several occasions in his campaign and as President. It's is very important to listen to ALL his speeches that is the ONLY way you will hear the TRUTH as what he says. Mainstream media will NOT report the truth... thanks for listening fellow Trump supporter.

  9. I can't hear it.

  10. 7:59 Iran is certainly without any doubts a threat to the US-the biggest threat. As supporters of terrorists groups including Hezbollah and Hamas they could very well share and most likely will w/ them their nuclear technology.

  11. All dems are treasonous pos.

  12. 7:36 the problem is the democrat voters are a pathetically ignorant lot. They haven't a clue to realize that the democrat party supported terrorism for 8 years. The democrat voters are no better then ISIS, al Qaed or even bin Laden and Hitler. The democrat voters voted for those who ignored the slaughter of not only Christians but others. God will not have mercy on the souls of those who vote democrat.


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