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Monday, May 29, 2017

President Trump on Memorial Day with a Young Future Soldier

Attending an event to commemorate the fallen, President Trump meets up with one of the fallens' heroes' sons. This is the President we deserve.


  1. May he Never have to go to War .....May he be safe !!!

  2. I'm so proud of our President. He is truly a man with heart and love for this country.

  3. This is what a "Real President" does. This was NOT seen in the 8 years before. Mr. Trump loves this Country.

  4. 949 you're wrong. Haven't seen a president act this patriotic since Reagan. They've all been hung up on molesting WH interns and their globalist agendas, they didn't have time for the People.

  5. "W" went to Walter Reed without camera's, so don't count him out 10:05

  6. Send in ALL MILLINIALS.

  7. Well let's hope he doesn't become a soldier.
    Let's hope for something better for the little guy.


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