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Friday, May 19, 2017

Pelosi on Trump Digesting Intel: 'You Cannot Connect the Dots If You're a Helter Skelter'

WASHINGTON -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called President Trump a "loose cannon," perhaps unwittingly, saying of his reported decision to reveal an Israeli intelligence op to Russian officials in the Oval Office that it draws into question whether he "is he fit to be president of the United States when he would do such a thing."

"This is a dedication. You really have to read your stuff, know your stuff, be briefed constantly. You cannot connect the dots if you're a helter skelter," Pelosi said Tuesday at the Center for American Progress Ideas Conference. "And that's what he has been. He hasn't even taken his briefings."

"So, without being political, I think, because we try not to be it in terms of intelligence, what the president did was totally outrageous. Totally outrageous. If it was unwitting, that would be pathetic and dangerous. If it was intentional, that would even be -- I don't know what's worse," she added.



  1. Her, Harry, Maxine, Wasserman, and the whole club of friends live in the White House with Trump and watch what he does all day long, so we should believe everything they say with biblical love! Oh, and I didn't mean to leave you out, Cummings, you POS!

    These idiots have the most vivid of imaginations, and have absolutely no facts to back up their rhetoric, but that doesn't stop them from lying, because that's what their main agenda is.

  2. Nancy P is a babbling Idiot ! She is a legend in her own mind.

  3. Nancy belongs in a Nursing Home

  4. Based on zero sources. Just make it up. Democratic Party is willing to put American people in harms way for political motive..No crimes have been committed. Special investigation based on zero crimes zero evidence and zero witnesses...Deputy did it for his own image...Democrats are going after DEMOGRAPHICS now. They are done with middle class and the working man. As a former life long democrat I think it's a huge mistake... TRUMP THE PEOPLES CHAMPION is the only thing that will come of this theater production of investigation... just my opinion. Thanks.

  5. you have to pass the bill to find out whats in the bill--this woman is delusional, mentally ill and unfit for office

  6. she is a DOT !!!

  7. Nancy Pelosi for President (of the 3rd floor, east wing of Pleasant Acres.)

  8. Let's twist that around a bit, using the word Democrat in place of president:

    "...what the Democrats did was totally outrageous. Totally outrageous. If it was unwitting, that would be pathetic and dangerous. If it was intentional, that would even be -- I don't know what's worse..."

    And so goes the second decade of the new millennium.

  9. This, from a ditz who has proufoundly extolled some of the dumbest, stupidest things ever said by a politician. It's 50/50 if she actually knows how many hours are in a day.....
    BUT, she is VERY good at steering hundreds of millions of dollars of government contracts to her husband and children and friends. Just as good, too, at passing them insider info to get aheaad of IPO's and such.
    A stellar example of integrity.
    Keep cheering.


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