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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Opinion: Small business implores Gov. Hogan to keep veto promise on sick leave

By Mike O’Halloran
For MarylandReporter.com

With each campaign season comes considerable promises to the small business community. Politicians show up at Mom and Pop stores for photo ops, take walks down Main Street and espouse dedication to empowering entrepreneurs by deregulating and creating pro-growth environments.

When Larry Hogan was on the campaign trail, he often cited the fact that as a small business owner, he understood better than any other candidate how difficult it was to remain operational in a state that never seemed to fail in punishing employers with ill-advised policies.

The more that he articulated his vision for a brighter future for Maryland, the more voters liked him. There was less rhetoric and more conviction in a candidate seeking to become Governor. The electorate agreed with his message of making “Maryland Open for Business.”



  1. If government wasnt raping and pillaging its citizens with every excuse of a tax, fee and permit...small business would have money to spare for its employees and to expand.

  2. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 23, 2017 at 11:06 AM

    1057 you are absolutely spot on. Wonder why some people even here on SBYNEWS don't seem to get that 411. Connecting dots is a hard thing for some.

  3. There are plenty of low/no tax states. I bet neither of you own a business, just complain about everything as a result of your own failure to be successful.


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