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Friday, May 26, 2017

Ocean City Business Owner Fined for Selling Out of State Cigarettes

OCEAN CITY, MD – (May 25, 2017): Following a complaint from a local resident, the Ocean City Police Department uncovered a cigarette smuggling scheme that resulted in the criminal citation of a local businessman for violating Maryland tax regulations.

Rustam Pachev, 30, was fined by the Maryland Comptroller’s Office for intentionally selling out-of-state cigarettes from Delaware in his Maryland store, the Smoky Shop at 106 Baltimore Avenue, in order to evade duties imposed by the state. The tobacco product was not affixed with the proper Maryland tax stamp, and the sale of smuggled cigarettes prevents the state from receiving any revenue from those transactions.

The joint investigation, led by the Ocean City Police Department, included assistance from Homeland Security Investigations and the Maryland Comptroller’s Office.


  1. I find it interesting that when a store owner on the Eastern Shore gets caught selling illegal cigarettes they never have an American sounding name. Can anybody give me some insight on why that is?

  2. the way the headline reads I thought he got fined for selling OUT of cigs lol

  3. He'll get a slap on the wrist because he is of mid-eastern decent. The FBI, MSP, CIA all of them know these guys are doing this, yet it continues. Some of the money goes to terrorist and the FBI knows that too.

  4. 3:55 PM, my first thoughts exactly.

  5. Pachev is Russian but don't let that get in the way or your hatred.

  6. "Drive them out!"

  7. SO the Romadon's get prison time for smuggling cigarettes, but this guy gets a small fine? Yes, Maryland is a sanctuary for illegals and criminals!

  8. 3:55
    The reason most convenience stores are owned by foreigners is because for the traditional, original mom & pop owners the Royal Farms, Wawa's, etc. took away most of their business. Also, their children did not want to take over a vanishing breed of small business. Most of these new Americans are unskilled and come from the lower classes of their native country. However, they are trained to cheat on tax laws by mentors out of major metro cities like Baltimore, DC, and NYC. Some of these mentors are affiliated with criminal orgs or Islamic extremists. Maryland usually turns a blind eye because they are minorities. They know this all too well. I wish someone would do some serious investigation into these clowns. It's costing the honest taxpayers millions of dollars!

  9. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 29, 2017 at 11:51 AM

    1147 you're missing a huge piece of this story. The truth is many foreigners, especially from the Middle East, don't have to pay taxes for their businesses. They have a three-year window to not pay taxes and within the last year, they usually transfer the business to another relatives so they get an additional three years of taxless profits. Even though they collect state sales tax, this money is usually kept by them. They don't generally pay employment taxes period because they either have relatives working for 'free' or they pay employees under the table. Foreigners have found many ways to cheat the system so they can have businesses probably because it allows them to work and get money here in America without property citizenship to do so.


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