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Thursday, May 11, 2017

NY Times Seems Rather Shocked That Legal Immigrants Are Against Illegal Immigration

It’s funny how this works. People spend lots of time and money, and have to follow every law, no matter how small, in order to earn the right to become an actual U.S. citizen, and they aren’t really fond of those who blow off American law by either coming here unlawfully or overstaying their visas, and then demanding that they be made citizens

Sanctuary Bills in Maryland Faced a Surprise Foe: Legal Immigrants

When lawmakers in Howard County, Md., a stretch of suburbia between Washington and Baltimore, declared their intention to make the county a sanctuary for people living in the country illegally, J. D. Ma thought back to how hard he had worked studying English as a boy in Shanghai.

Stanley Salazar, a native of El Salvador, worried that the violent crime already plaguing Maryland’s suburbs attributed to immigrant gangs would eventually touch his own daughters.

Hongling Zhou, who had been a student in Beijing during the Tiananmen Square uprising, feared an influx of undocumented immigrants, and their children, would cripple the public schools.

At first blush, making Howard County a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants had seemed a natural move: The county has twice as many Democrats as Republicans and a highly educated population, full of scientists and engineers. One in five residents was born abroad.

But the bill met stout opposition from an unlikely source: some of those very same foreign-born residents.

It’s only a surprise in Liberal World, where they feel that immigrants who did it the right way, the legal way, would be supportive of those who did it the wrong way, the unlawful way.



  1. These idiots are shocked that people who work hard want to make others do the same. This is liberal insanity.

  2. Literally, liberalism should be classified as a mental illness.

  3. Section 8 and sanctuary policies have turned much of Howard County (the 2nd richest county in the U.S.) to crap. Those living in Columbia can tell you some very scary stories.

  4. Slowly but surely all the wells in the US are being poisoned by liberal think tanks

  5. 2:55 its happening all over. Imagine that, the NY Times being out of touch with The people!!


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