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Friday, May 26, 2017

Notice of School Board Openings

Notice of School Board Openings

The Wicomico County Board of Education Nominating Commission is accepting applications for three board vacancies. Candidates can obtain applications by emailing boenominations@yahoo.com or the following application link. A copy can also be obtained at the Office of the Wicomico County Council located at 125 North Division Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21801.

Applicants must live in Wicomico County, Maryland and be a Registered Voter. All applications must be received and/or post marked by June 5, 2017.

The Nominating Commission reserves the right to submit the applicant information for a criminal background check including a search of the Maryland Sex Abuse Registry.

All applicants will be interviewed by the Commission prior to the Commission making a decision to send the names to the Wicomico County for Consideration.


  1. All the loud mouths on this blog complaining about the schools should be signing up or shutting up!

  2. I thought that we voted for an elected school board. Didn't that pass by referendum?

    1. Can't fix stupid. Wow! You are a product of this system. Can u read!

  3. Put up or shut up!!! Joe please run !

    1. Joe does not live in Wicomico County. I thought him a good choice myself. Wicomico's lost, I guess

  4. It's a crappy job.
    Its main function is to ask for (i.e., demand) more money from the taxpayers while letting buildings run down so that they can get more money.

  5. 5:16, I am a resident of Worcester County.

    1. I'm in Somerset but would love to


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