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Friday, May 12, 2017

North Korean Defector: Military Conflict 'Unavoidable'

A man who defected from North Korea 15 years ago believes a conflict between the reclusive nation and the United States is "unavoidable."

Song Byeok, who used to create propaganda art for North Korea before he fled the country in 2002, told The Daily Mail President Donald Trump needs to use force to take down North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's regime.

"Make a change so the North Korea people can be free," Song, who now lives in South Korea and creates artwork that mocks Kim, told the Mail.

Song said people who live in North Korea have realized, via the internet, that Kim's rule is oppressive. He believes many of the citizens would refuse to fight for him if a military conflict breaks out.


1 comment:

  1. I would love to see North Korea dealt with in a permanent manner. The problem is China. They do not want a flood of refugees and we can only go so far in upsetting China.


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