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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Newt: World Leaders Respect Trump; Media 'Pygmies' Don't

It's "ironic" to watch world leaders in Israel and Saudi Arabia treating President Donald Trump with "enormous respect" while the "pygmies" in the media treat him with contempt, and the president and his administration should take a tougher stance against them, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday.

"The reporters are pygmies, they're little midgets," Gingrich told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program. "They spent their lifetime watching other people do real things."

Further, Gingrich said, the Trump administration should put out a new rule when it comes to the media..

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  1. Media Pygmies. Cute. Newt always has such a way with words. And he's right. World leaders respect Trump a lot more than they ever did Obama. See in the rest of the world, trashing your people is considered Treason and punishable by death. Other world leaders don't dare take trash about their citizens like Obama did and they never respected him. One of the many reasons why Obama is our worst president ever. I'd go so far as to say he's probably one of the world leaders in world history but historians need a good 20 years beyond to make that assertion.

  2. Mr. Trump paid his respects to the real power in the world, Israel.
    He will do exactly as he is told.

  3. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 23, 2017 at 11:16 AM

    Before you all start speculating, no. Newt will not be involved in Trump Administration. He wouldn't want to give up his cushy life to get the vilification (again) that Trump endures every day, all day long.

  4. 1113 what an idiotic comment. Go inform yourself. You sound like a schmuck.

  5. Maybe 1113 should put one more shot of Jack in his coffee before commenting.

  6. 11:13
    Thank you for writing the truth.
    It is more truth than 1117 or 1121 will ever know.
    There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

  7. Questions of the Day:

    Who are the Rothschild Banking Families?

    From where did they derive their power?

    Did they not build Israel from the ground up?

    What was the purpose of establishing Isarel?

    What was the Balfour Declaration, and why was WWII necessary?


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