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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Newspaper columnist who defended NRA quits after suspension

A conservative columnist who was suspended by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch after she defended the National Rifle Association from comparisons to ISIS fired back with her resignation and a series of targeted tweets.

The newspaper on Friday suspended Stacy Washington after a column entitled "Guns and the Media" disputed an anti-NRA article that argued since more Americans die from guns than from ISIS, the Second Amendment advocacy group is the greater danger.

“[W]hen has a member of the NRA ever decapitated, set on fire, tossed from a rooftop or otherwise terrorized another American? The linkage is not only rife with improper context; it is false on its face,” Washington wrote in her column, which also decried the lack of conservatives in U.S. newsrooms. “This failure to represent the opposing, especially conservative, view is an increasingly apparent deficit in the news reporting apparatus in our country.”

More here


  1. My hope is that Stacy Washington is picked up by a good conservative News organization and gets a larger salary to boot.
    Wake up people, the NRA is not a bad organization.
    Go Stacy Washington !

  2. Stacy Washington is awesome. I wish Fox news would hire her.

  3. I wish I could hire her...for some of the wrong reasons...sweet!


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