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Saturday, May 06, 2017

New Study Reveals Future of American Police and It’s Terrifying

Even with a police-friendly President in office, things are more dangerous than ever for police officers these days. Barack Obama did a great job of turning black communities against the police. 28% of officer killings are now motivated by cop-hatred and not just the panic of trying to avoid arrest. An FBI study came out last month that shows officers are now “de-policing” in an effort to either not be killed or dragged into court. This primarily comes as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement, along with the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam hunting cops down and killing them. Officers now engage mostly in reactive policing, rather than pro-active engagement. And that is very, very dangerous for all of us.

The wave of protests and violence on the left towards police officers has had a chilling effect on enforcement. This makes it much more likely that officers will die in the line of duty… it also means many more innocent people will die. Obama knew this and didn’t give a crap. He was and is after all, a racist. The FBI report is entitled: “The Assailant Study – Mindsets and Behavior.” The report was written in 2016, when 64 officers were killed in 53 incidents. This pretty much started with the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO, in 2014.



  1. Lock Obama up, and Sue him for his Four Hundred Thousand dollar speeches for inciting

  2. Well, it's finally been revealed that obammy actually DID do something while in office.

  3. Anybody could have seen this coming.

  4. And everyone but democrats saw that in the very beginning of 0bamas adm.


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