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Sunday, May 07, 2017

New Conservative Network In Works … Hannity, O’Reilly and Tomi TOGETHER?

Fox News is changing a lot. With the loss of a flagship host (Bill O’Reilly) and others under investigation or on “vacation,” the optics surrounding the network aren’t looking pretty.

A television insider just leaked that a new conservative cable news “in the works”.

Fox News is changing a lot. With the loss of a flagship host (Bill O’Reilly) and others under investigation or on “vacation,” the optics surrounding the network aren’t looking pretty.

A television insider just leaked that a new conservative cable news “in the works”.

Mediaite reports:

A well-placed source close to the proposal tells Mediaite that serious discussions are underway to create an alternative conservative cable network on the belief that the Fox News Network is moving too far to the left. The source, who is engaged in the talks, says a meeting is planned for today with two prominent high-powered television executives, some underperforming conservative networks and people who have an interest and the ability to fund a new network.

The potential aim? Putting “the old band” back together.



  1. I wonder why the number one news site would be changing to be more like the failing MSM sites. Power and corruption is a bitch.

  2. I'll watch Tomi, but not the other 2 overrated, self aggrandizeing blowhards. Why don't they ever let their guests speak when they're invited on their shows?

  3. 6:26 you're right. As much as I agree with their politics and commentary, their treatment of their guests was so disgusting! You expect the left to be intolerant of people when they disagree with their ideas, but the good guys should be making us proud. More facts, logic, and humor, and less bullying.

  4. I would love this and watch it every night if it was to air. They have my support!

    BILL O

  6. Sexual harassment should never be tolerated if in fact Ailes and O'Reilly are guilty. However, being a die hard conservative I would support an alternative to FOX News if it continues a left leaning spiral. 6:26...to your point. Liberals won't answer the questions. Why give them air time to rant off topic?

    1. Guilty ? when was that court sentance ? did i miss it on court tv.

  7. I have subscribed to crtv on Roku. It is a conservative news network with investigative reports from Michelle Malkin, and commentary by Mark Levine. Michelle Malkin used to be on Fox News. Great reporter and investigator. They report a lot of the news that the media refuses to report. Costs 99 per year, but it is worth it.

  8. I can see Shine and Dobbs moving over to this network, too. Possibly Varney. You may see a lot of your favorite hosts make the transition because FNC is now moving faster towards the left. They, too, will enjoy fake news media status. They repeat same fake news ad nauseum every day just like CNN and MSNBC but because of anchor shows like Hannity the misconception of fair and balance still persists. With this new network, that will burn faster than cash!

  9. Sounds great get all the ones that have left Fox and make it real news uncut uncensored, different opinions like this web site.

  10. Sounds great. As for as the comments on them not letting their guest talk is simple. Their guest want to always refusing to shut up after their comment and let the Host talk. They are always the Liberal DumbocRATs that do this. They are constantly bullying and attempting to hijack the show. I would never have these idiots on with their attitude or cut their mikes off when the host is not given the opportunity to talk / ask questions.

  11. So you only get your news from one source? How do you know what they are saying is true? No checks and balances.

    1. You call CNN AND MSNBC fair and balanced LOL.

    2. CNNs fair and balanced is 5 dems on 1 rep.

  12. Don't know if Tomi should be added to the lineup. Any Glenn Beck rejects are not really aces in the book of conservatism given his antics during the last election. Hannity and O'Reilly would be great along with Lou Dobbs to head the new network. Fox may find their Nielsens will sink to CNN and MSNBC lows because they are also now forwarding fake news.


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