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Friday, May 12, 2017

Most men just want a woman who's nice

At the end of the day, most men just want a woman who’s nice. “Nice,” to a man, means being soft, gentle and kind. It means asking your husband how his day was and really listening. It means doing something nice for him with no expectation of getting something in return—you know, the way you did when you were dating.

But wait a minute, you say. Don’t women want the same thing? A man who’s nice?

Not exactly. Most women do want a man who’s kind, but that’s not the same as nice. Ask any guy you know, and he’ll likely give you example after example of women they know who said they wanted a nice guy but in reality wanted a bad boy. That’s because just as most men are attracted to femininity, or softness, most women are attracted to masculinity. And masculinity is hard. Gruff. Take charge.

So, where are you on the nice scale? If you’re not an inherently nice person, believe me I get it. I think I’m pretty nice, but that isn’t the first word one would think of to describe me. The truth is, I’ve had to exercise my nice muscle.

I’ve had to learn how to be be nice.



  1. Another reason why I LOVE strippers.

  2. Yep. Everyone thinks I'm lucky because I have a good-looking wife. But, they don't know she's always bitchy. And it sucks. I'd rather have a wife that was nice. Why are women like that. They're never happy. It's never good enough with her.
    So, ladies, you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. Just sayin'

    1. 10:28 I'm sure your no picnic to live with.

  3. You must have a balance.No man wants a nagging,self centered bullying moneygrubber.No woman wants a lazy, nasty,indifferent selfish, man. Best to treat others as you wish to be treated.That goes for marriage also.I also see a lot of self centered parents, that leave thier spouses to parent alone even though they are in the same room. You are supposed to be a team..in everything you do together.

  4. I want someone who's just a driven and motivated as myself. I don't want a man who wants me to treat him like my child instead of my husband.

  5. 10:28 I'm in the same boat good looking wife always bitching ...LOL I tell her it's not my job to make you happy it's yours. But don't say hey if you're going to be bitchy at least clean up the house so you have something to bitch about, That doesn't go over so well.

  6. I'm just fortunate to have a wife I love very very much!

  7. A pretty face does not make a pretty heart, and guys are always hitting on her. As the bible says, it is better to sit in a corner of the roof than live with a nagging wife or something to that effect.

    Love you wife, wives honor your husbands and likewise for husbands. Merge into one. But you all should already know that.

  8. My wife was never nice. She screwed me to get what she wanted, and screwed me when she left. My life's never been better!


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