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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

McCain Still Badmouthing Trump While Abroad

President Donald Trump has unsettled allies, as well as Americans, Senator John McCain said during a speech in Sydney on the future of U.S. relations with Asia.

McCain -- the chairman of U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 -- said Tuesday that Australia wasn’t alone in questioning whether America was still committed to upholding peace and justice around the world.

“Other American allies have similar doubts these days and this is understandable,” McCain, 80, told a crowd at the University of Sydney’s U.S. Studies Centre. “I realize that some of President Trump’s actions and statements have unsettled America’s friends. They have unsettled many Americans as well.”

More here


  1. McCain needs to be retired SOON.

  2. It's time for us to stop being the world's policeman. We have far too many troops stationed around the world. Bring them home and place them on the border.

  3. John is still ticked that Trump referred to him as a loser because he was shot down and captured in Nam. While I voted for Trump and support him 100% I think he was wrong categorizing McCain as a loser. He was fighting for his country and I am proud of him for that. A good read is "When Hell Was in Session" by Jeremiah Denton if you really want to know what went on in the POW camps. Anyone who suffered that is a hero in my book.

    1. Agreed. I voted for McCain in 08. Wish he'd have won in 00, not Bush the moron.

  4. Republican version of Hillary that cannot get over the fact he ran a terrible election and loss.

  5. When an American Politician goes on an official mission and makes comments officially that are disparaging to the country, isn't that called Treason!


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