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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

We all know, deep down inside, that it is wrong to put hands on a someone out of anger or spite. We know this, no matter how we feel at the time, so when a Republican candidate lays the smack down on a reporting journalist, our moral, decent side should be appalled, no matter what the political leanings of the victim are…

But let’s be real, here. A LOT of us just don’t care anymore. It’s sad, but to many, it’s just the cold,harsh reality…And I can’t fault someone for feeling that way. We’ve all been dragged over the hot coles of political correctness, and being labeled a racist, homophobic, and down right evil people – most of it perpetrated by a leftist media.

So trust me. I get it. By now you probably should have realized that I’m referring to Republican Greg Gianforte and Guardian reporter, Ben Jacobs.

I for one, do not believe that an elected official that can’t keep his hands to himself, should be in any powerful position in government. It shows a lack of restraint, especially under pressure. Yet, I can honestly say, that I am numb to the body slam. I don’t want to be, but after years of abuse by the left and the media, it’s a little too hard to play the good Samaritan this time.



  1. Ever since the "hands up don't shoot" lie I have felt this way about the liberal defenders. You can't solve a problem with a lie and the more I see the more disgusted I get.
    Yes, this is a good article. For those liberals. When you name call and disrupt and hate then point a finger back you are being unfair and cruel jusr because you don't agree with another viewpoint.
    This has gotten you and your democratic cohorts exactly nowhere. We The People are not stupid and will put up with only so much.
    We have reached our end.

    1. Amen. The demoncrats are showing their true colors and we the people will be silent no more

  2. The reporter got what he wanted, his 15 minutes.

  3. I don't care anymore. I am tired of the liberals getting away doing whatever they want to do. I am starting to look at things differently. I always try to do the right thing no matter the situation, but I am starting to reconsider my actions now. I am also wondering if I need to teach my kids this as well. The liberals will only get worse and we will need to fight back just to keep the field level. We are going to have to go places many of us are not comfortable with to win.


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