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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Liberal Congressional Candidate: The Manchester Terrorist Attack Was All About…..Sexism Against Women

Terrorism has struck again in Europe, this time at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. 22 people dead and 59 people injured at the current time, and many are concerned that something like this could happen again.

While most people are blaming Islamic extremism for the terror in the UK, Democratic congressional candidate Brianna Wu took to Twitter and flung accusations like a primate flinging excrement.

Her claim? This tragedy has sexism written all over it.



  1. Brianna Wu, eh? Still using her adult movie name I see - LOSER!

  2. How stupid that a liberal left woman feminist would say this. Anything to promote the agenda. Isis has already claimed responsibility for the attack. It was a terrorist attack. No rhyme or reason just to kill as many people as possible. And it happened to be this concert where many people had gathered.
    I really don't think Isis sat around saying we should bomb this concert to get women. Their is no reason for their destruction. They just want to kill any and all that do not convert to Islam.

  3. The real sad commentary is there are people out there who vote for loonies like this. I mean how else did Maxine Watters get elected?


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