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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lack of sleep causes your brain to EAT ITSELF

Your brain starts to eat itself if it hasn't had enough sleep, according to a new study.

Researchers studied lab mice, and found that 'clean-up' cells were more active in their brains when they were sleep-deprived.

The cells, known as astrocytes, act like mini Hoovers in the brain, sweeping up cells as the brain's connections become weak and break apart.

'We show for the first time that portions of synapses are literally eaten by astrocytes because of sleep loss,' lead author Michele Bellesi told New Scientist.

According to the research team at Italy's Marche Polytechnic University, the seemingly alarming process is actually a positive thing.



  1. Ahhhhh, so this is the underlying problem of the liberal left, brains are eating themselves.

  2. Not a problem for most locals...no brain to be eaten.

  3. 7:08, after reading the entire article, you beat me to the exact same conclusion! I think there's something to this.

    I mean, think. A Conservative works for a living, does chores at home after, and is tired and sleeps a good night's sleep at night.

    A liberal whether employed or not, spends all other waking hours trying to run everybody else' lives besides their own. It must be the most exhausting overtime ever spent!

    This would explain Pelosi. Cummings, the one who thought Guam would tip over, Wasserman-Schlitz, and the rest!

    I think tho nugget has been found here!

  4. You people can't really be this dumb.....

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not a problem for most locals...no brain to be eaten.

    May 30, 2017 at 7:56 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people can't really be this dumb.....

    May 30, 2017 at 10:00 PM

    You just broke all the windows in your glass house.

  6. That explains a lot of people I have known and dropped.


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