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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

JUST IN: ISIS has claimed responsibility for Manchester Terrorist Attack


From Business Insider:

ISIS claims responsibility for the Ariana Grande concert attack in Manchester which killed 22

Terrorist group ISIS (also known as Islamic State, Daesh and ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack 12:45 p.m. BST on Tuesday, via a news agency linked to them, Amaq, according to the Press Association.

For More Information and to read whole story,


  1. ALL the authorities have to do is go to the tower hamlets in england and pick Any radical they want England has allowed them to Breed.

  2. For all the Trump bashers and haters, this is what you represent and protect. Your ancestors must be so proud.

  3. Remember Bill Clinton released a prosecuted terrorist, Bill Ayers before leaving office. Clintons are highly sympathetic to terrorist. Hell, most of Clinton's campaign funding came from them! Liberals are so stupid, they willing walk into the inferno to be incinerated and dance while they dowse them with gas and set them on fire.

  4. That handsome gent has me convinced! I just want to say "Aloha Snackbar" to you too!

    Now let's go play Cowboys and Terrorists!

  5. I could've told you 10 minutes into watching the news coverage it was a terrorist attack and ISIS related. It had all the same key ingredients. Sick people are creatures of habit.

  6. Funny many of you don't know that Ariana Grande is an Anti-American, pro-muslim, anti-Trump, pro-refugee and pro pussy hat wearing march organizer.

  7. Ignorance is bliss, 920. Ignorance is bliss.

  8. Ever wonder why they cover up their identity if they are so proud of what they are doing?

  9. 9:53 - I agree. Thought the same thing. If they are so proud - show your face. The reality is they are COWARDS and hide.

  10. Question: How is ISIS covering their faces any different than Antifa covering their faces - besides one being Islam and the other being Spoiled Liberal brats? Cowards. Aren't they all.

  11. They cover up because they are intelligence assets of Western governments.
    Wake up folks.
    The terror events are all staged and managed by intelligence agencies.

  12. This is a distraction, they want you to push for more war. Isis was created by the CIA

  13. 10:14 they are hardly spoiled. It's more like they were spawned by leg spreaders and sperm injectors who themselves are wastes of oxygen. In other words they have no morals or decency. It's what they are taught or should we say not taught. Animals make better parents then democrats.

  14. 1207
    YES thank you


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