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Monday, May 22, 2017

Judge makes decision on ‘Clock boy’ lawsuit

Approximately two years ago, 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed earned the nickname “clock boy” when he brought a homemade clock to school that looked so much like a bomb that his teacher called the police and had the kid arrested.

Claiming that his son’s civil rights had been violated, Ahmed’s father filed a lawsuit seeking restitution from the City of Irving, Texas and Irving Independent School District. On Thursday, a judge dismissed the entire case.

On September 14, 2015, Ahmed brought the suspicious-looking clock to school and gained national attention for his arrest, even inspiring President Obama to invite him to the White House to see his “cool clock.”

Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Mohamed, said that the police who arrested his son were overly forceful with the Muslim teen, who was subsequently booked, finger printed, interrogated and had his mugshot taken for having created a ‘hoax bomb’. The charges were later dropped, but Ahmed’s family demanded $15 million dollars in damages prior to filing the lawsuit.



  1. The kid is the offspring of terrorists and affiliates!

    They should have shipped the bunch to GITMO!

  2. Thank God for a judge with a brain.

  3. Too many people have not got a clue what is involved to prove that your civil rights have been violated. It is similar as to a violation of a hate crime. People constantly cry for the Feds to come in an investigate and much of the time, it is not legally appropriate. This is yet another example. His rights were not violated. Common sense on both sides may have been.

  4. 2:45 is the offspring of blood relatives

  5. Another defeat for Clock-med.

  6. His "offense" was akin to bringing a toy gun to school. He got what he deserved and his poppy tried to scam the system with a frivolous law suit. Hope he had to pay all legal costs.


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