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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Iran to Launch Two New Satellites, Likely Cover for Illicit ICBM Program

Iran is preparing to launch two new domestic satellites into space, according to a new announcement by Iranian military leaders that is stirring discussion among U.S. national security insiders who say the move is likely cover for the test firing of advanced intercontinental ballistic missile technology that could be used as part of Iran's nuclear program.

The latest test comes as the Trump administration continues to engage in a comprehensive review of the Iran nuclear agreement that U.S. officials tell the Washington Free Beacon will result in a full-scale plan to "meet the challenges Iran poses with clarity and conviction."

The Iranian satellite launches also come as Iran engages in an unprecedented effort to reorganize and boost its military so it can serve as an offensive fighting force, a move that has drawn concern among U.S. national security insiders.

Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes said that U.S. leaders should be paying close attention to the illicit Iranian-North Korean arms trade.

"When it comes to nuclear technology, Iran and North Korea are like sorority sisters swapping clothes or an old married couple sharing a toothbrush," Rubin said. "What happens in Tehran doesn't stay in Tehran."

More here

[Perhaps this could be preparation for an EMP attack on the United States? --Editor]


  1. We have the best technology on Earth when it comes to disabling satellites.They put it up there,we hit it with a missile.how simple is that?

  2. Bang and its gone!

  3. I think the concern here is the rocket used to get it into space, not the satellite geniuses..

  4. @ 3:54pm
    Dear Ethel, Thank you for you're speedy attack. Not everyone is an I'm-stein like yourself. I too, like the "shoot em down" logic.

  5. It would be really unfortunate if it exploded on the launch pad!

  6. Yeah, we shoot down every other country's satellite launches because we don't know what's in them, then everybody starts shooting ours down and we have no GPS or TV or phones.

    Great idea, bonehead!


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