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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Immigrant Workers Challenge Firing after Skipping Work for Anti-Trump Protest

Over 20 immigrant workers are claiming a case of wrongful termination from a Michigan car factory after they skipped work to participate in the anti-Trump “Day Without Immigrants” rally in February, the Detroit Free Press reports.

The former employees of EZ Industrial Solutions, an auto parts manufacturer based in Detroit, have taken their case to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on grounds that they were wrongfully fired for participating in a political protest.

The complaint claims that the employees, who were nearly all women from Mexico and Central America, were “coercively questioned” by their employer about their plans to participate, and were originally warned they would only be suspended for one week.

However, the company denies the allegations, saying that their decision was within the confines of the law. In a statement to the Detroit Free Press, EZ Industrial Solutions operations manager Jordan Yoder said:

"The law is quite clear that employees can’t just not show up to work when they’re expected, and also that they are not free to participate in political, non-work related protests during their work day without consequences. We therefore deny any wrongdoing and are confident that the charge will be dismissed."



  1. Stop this nonsense and get to work. Should be appreciative you have work to help the family. Sure have some dumb turds out there today.I don't understand why idiots come to this great nation to change it. Stay home, we will do fine without you.Cut out the free money and our owe will do the job.

  2. Wow, is this for real? You didn't show up to work, and don't have a good excuse like being sick or going the hospital or a death, and they want to sue for their job? Only in america, home of the slaves, where the brave get demonized and where illegals, who are here illegally which is why they are called illegals, get more help than the people who are born and raised here who try to be productive society members...

  3. The entitlement mentality nourished by the left to cause chaos..

  4. LOL that's the problem you face with so many illegals being here....easy to replace!!!! Run to the border!!!


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