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Friday, May 26, 2017

HUD Secretary Ben Carson calls poverty a state of mind

Housing Secretary Ben Carson sparked outrage by saying poverty is a 'state of mind.'

The former neurosurgeon made the controversial remarks during a radio interview on Wednesday,

The ex-Presidential candidate also said parents need to instill the 'mindset of a winner' in their children.

'If you take somebody with the wrong mindset,' Carson said, 'you can give them everything in the world and they'll work their way back down to the bottom.'

He made the remarks in an interview with Armstrong Williams on SiriusXM.

Carson, who grew up poor in inner-city Detroit with a single mother who had a third-grade education, says if people don't have a defeatist attitude, then there's hope.

'I think the majority of people don't have that defeatist attitude, but they sometimes just don't see the way, and that's where government can come in and be very helpful,' he said.



  1. He is a 100% correct

  2. Ben Carson is black and grew up in abject poverty in Detroit.

    People need to remember that if they are tempted to attack him over this.. he is well qualified to speak on the subject.

  3. The truth is a wonderful thing.

  4. Yep he's right.

  5. Hey LAME stream media- TRUTH HURTS!

  6. Breaking the multigenerational poverty model is a tough nut to crack.

  7. I was once told it was a state of Mindless! Your too lazy and stupid to get off your a** and get a job!

  8. He is right poverty is a mindset. Look at all the NFL players born into poverty who make millions but then end up broke again.


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