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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hillary’s Campaign Chairman Attacked Comey In The Morning, Outraged Over ‘Massacre’ Hours Later DER

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was, like many on the political left, angry with former FBI Director James Comey Tuesday morning. But his tone changed significantly only hours later when President Donald Trump fired Comey.

Just last week, Hillary Clinton partially blamed Comey for her loss in the 2016 election, so it’s not surprising her campaign chairman would also harbor bad blood. Tuesday morning, while sharing a story on the then-FBI director’s testimony the day before, Podesta commented, “The American public is getting mildly nauseous listening to Jim Comey.”



  1. The left wing moonbats have been termed hypocrites; they are showing the true colors of politics and how the swamp works. Folks, IMHO, while we may not like the President for who or what he is, we (conservatives) are so lucky to have won the election for the future of the country and yet another opportunity to "Make America Great Again".

  2. Dear John and Hillary,

    Shut up. You haven't said anything of substance in years and the world is getting tired of listening.

    Thank you.

  3. They are really out control. Yesterday I had some moonbats at work hoping that someone would overthrow our government. I silently laughed at them so hard I almost wet my pants.

  4. If the democrats feel that wat now over Comey then they should be experiencing extreme bouts of nausea on Hillary. This woman should be recognized as a fraud pure and simple. She needs to put a sock in her mouth everytime she talks about her failed election being everyone elses fault, she really still doesn't except any responsibility, she needs a country home in Bengazi where she neglected 4 Americans and caused their death.

  5. Clinton sold 20 PERCENT of WE THE PEOPLE uranium to Russia. Clinton gave a campaign speech that she is in PUTENs inner circle (youtube) clinton invested in a private zoo PUTEN owns. Bill Clinton DOUBLE his speaking fees during this time in Russia making millions... John Podesta own several 100k in stock Russian utilities electric company owned by PUTEN... CIA FBI stated Trump had no dealings with Russia and was not being investigated because their was nothing to investigate.....


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