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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Here the 66 Programs that Trump's Budget Eliminates

President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

Here are the programs the administration wants on the chopping block...

Agriculture Department — $855 million
McGovern-Dole International Food for Education
Business-Cooperative Service
Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account
Single Family Housing Direct Loans
Commerce Department — $633 million
Economic Development Administration
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Minority Business Development Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education
Education Department — $4.976 billion
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Comprehensive Literacy Development Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property
International Education
Strengthening Institutions
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
Teacher Quality Partnership
Energy Department — $398 million
Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy
Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program and Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility
Health and Human Services — $4.834 billion


  1. Bye bye shore up.

  2. That's some good news there!

  3. Anonymous said...
    Bye bye shore up.

    May 24, 2017 at 7:04 PM

    Shore up has always been a racist place. You can't get a job there if you are white. Very discriminatory.

    1. So true....I am a white boy... they told me NO NEED TO APPLY HERE, after I put in for a job...my tan was not dark enough

  4. It also removes funding for special education in schools through Medicare cuts. Bet you didn't read into that

  5. Good 9:19 though I think you may mean MediCAID. It's all a crock anyway. You people need to wise up. It's all about giving children fake diagnoses so then they can take modified tests. When they take the modified tests they score higher. Then it looks like the school is performing better then it is. Some high schoolers have what is known as "test anxiety" so they have to have the test questions read to them. The real story is they can't read.

  6. Good he targeted waste.

  7. Bottom line - We need significant cuts and some good programs will lose money and possibly disappear. Thankful we have an administration that has the ability to do what is needed.

  8. 66 of them.
    Gotta love that number

  9. Don't forget to Get Rid of IRS too !!!!

  10. Eliminate the Dept of Education. Then take the IRS out. BILLIONS would be saved.

    Cut the budget of EVERY Congressman. Slash spending like it was our money you are spending.

    America first. Americans first.


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