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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder

James Comey was lying in wait.

His gun was cocked, he took aim and fired. But his weapon was empty.

Three months ago, the then-FBI Director met with President Trump. Following their private conversation, Comey did what he always does –he wrote a memorandum to himself memorializing the conversation. Good lawyers do that routinely.

Now, only after Comey was fired, the memo magically surfaces in an inflammatory New York Times report which alleges that Mr. Trump asked Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation.

Those who don’t know the first thing about the law immediately began hurling words like “obstruction of justice”, “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “impeachment“. Typically, these people don’t know what they don’t know.

Here is what we do know.




  1. Comey was / is a leaker and liberal sympathizer. Glad he is gone.

  2. If Comey had the memo then he kept it hidden from the Senate and investigators which is a crime OR he is lying about having the memo so either way he's a liar.

  3. Comey is going to keep it up and he'll end up behind bars with what few people he had arrested. They better start special ordering his 6'8" orange jumpsuits now so they'll have enough for the life sentence to come. Not a very bright man that's for damn sure. ⛓⛓⛓⛓


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