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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Fruitland Police Department: Thefts from unsecured vehicles

INCIDENT: Thefts from unsecured vehicles

LOCATION: Nina Lane, Chelsea Ann Lane, Paddock Drive areas

DISPOSITION: Under Investigation

INVESTIGATOR: Officer Newton / Detective Beaver

SYNOPSIS: During the evening of May 2, 2017 and early morning of May 3, 2017, numerous unsecured vehicles, in the area of Nina Lane, Chelsea Ann Lane and Paddock Drive were entered and in some cases items were taken. It is believed that this occurred between midnight and 5am, based on information received. Surveillance cameras from private residences have been identified and are being reviewed. The Fruitland Police would like to remind people to lock their vehicles and to please report any suspicious persons or activity immediately. Anyone having video or other information is asked to contact the Fruitland Police and ask for Detective Beaver or the Duty Officer (410) 548-2803.


  1. I don't understand why anyone leaves their car unlocked. Even in your own driveway.

  2. I leave the keys in my vehicles all the time but I don't live in town either.

  3. My wife used to leave the keys in the car, doors unlocked, when parking in the driveway in Mt. Vernon, until the morning when she went out to drive to work and found an empty space where the car was supposed to be. It turned up four days later in Salisbury. She's changed her ways since.

  4. so the people that locked their cars didnt have anything missing.....mmmmmm I think there is the problem

  5. There is quite a crime spree going on around here and with so many police to saturate the area how is this happening?

  6. It would be much cheaper if, instead of hiring more officers to harass people leaving Adams Ribs and Texas Roadhouse and building new police buildings, the fruitland police could buy cameras for each neighborhood. I have a deer camera in my yard. Works great. Cheaper than a keystone cop. I think fruitland has more cops than the bury!


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