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Sunday, May 07, 2017

Escaped Md. prisoner ate from trash, drank from puddles during 6-day search

WASHINGTON — For six days, escaped prisoner David Watson rarely rested, ate food from trash cans and drank water from puddles, before he was found Wednesday hiding in a narrow drainage pipe, according to Howard County police.

Police Chief Gary Gardner said Watson had gotten out of several restraints while being transported to Clifton T. Perkins psychiatric hospital, in Jessup, Maryland, Friday, knocked over a Wicomico County Department of Corrections officer, evaded another officer, and had escaped into woods near the Perkins facility.

Watson was serving a Delaware prison sentence on an attempted murder conviction and also faces attempted murder charges in Wicomico County.

In a Thursday morning news conference, Gardner said Watson had moved often, in approximately a 2-mile radius from Perkins, during his six days on the run, hiding in the woods and a network of drainage pipes.

Watson was captured around 9:40 p.m. Wednesday, off Dorsey Run Road, in Jessup.



  1. Absolut embaressment to WCDC peoples heads need to roll this perp should have a a shock belt on due to who he was and extra security these Fools at WCDC put officers and the public lives at risk so ALL there jobs should be at RISK.

    1. Your spelling and lack of punctuation are a bigger "embarrassment".

    2. EVERY CO i know cant spell lol.

  2. Obama has a plan to release all inmates to build his reptilian brain army

  3. 4:26...you missed your calling; you should be an editor.

  4. Why were the Officers not using maximum security measures? Why did WCDC send out such incompetent officers for the transport? This reflects the lack of security measures used by the WCDC Administration. It is really bad when most of these Administrators retired from ECI and supposedly smart enough about security from pre-release to maximum security to be Administrators / Supervisors at ECI. For the public who does not know or realize it ECI has all these classifications of inmates housed there or under their control. Pathetic when these individuals have still got their jobs. ECI fired or forced better Officers than these to retire and not promote them.

  5. Good example of the reason corruption is running wild in corrections, State and Local.

  6. Maryland doesn't think he is competent to stand trail. Delaware put him away. After this stunt, I hope Maryland's liberals realize just how stupid they are.

  7. COs are clueless reject wanna be cops FACT.

  8. Regarding security, it is always the shortcuts that will get you in trouble. Officer Lazy figured he/she got away with it once, so why not do it again.
    Everyone who works in a jail/prison for any amount of time knows who the lazy officers are as well as those who can't be trusted when it come time to need a bit of help. Oddly, those who do their job proficiently are frowned upon by the lazy ones. And yes, the inmates know what officers do their job and those who are lazy ,scared or both.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:26...you missed your calling; you should be an editor.

    May 5, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    Maybe he is, but some of us are bothered by simple words being misspelled.

  10. 5:03 I am not the person that pointed out the spelling errors, but there is no excuse for such errors given that pretty much every device connected to the internet has spell check and that most of the mistakes being made are very basic rules of english and grammar. This tends to indicate that there are many people with internet access that failed to learn basic english. Sorry that you are offended by people pointing out the short comings of the indigenous population.

  11. 12:04 You don't know where this person is from why do you need to insult this area and it's people ? After all you live here too so you insulted yourself idiot.

  12. 8:10 We left that crime ridden tax sucking area years ago. Could not be happier.

  13. I 2 am sick and tried of poeple who caint spell.


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