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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Confirmed: DNC Emails LEAKED … Not Hacked

We’ve reportedly documented that the DNC emails were leaked … not hacked.

(And the “evidence” that it was the Ruskies has collapsed.)

The head of Wikileaks – the organization which published the leaked DNC emails – has previously hinted that the leaker was DNC insider Seth Rich.

Today, the local Washington DC Fox news channel reports that the Rich family’s private investor – a former Homicide Detective in Washington DC and white collar criminal investigator for the Attorney General of the State of Ohio – says that evidence on Rich’s computersproves that he communicated with Wikileaks:


We’ll update details as they’re released …



  1. hillary diversion.

  2. And they killed him for doing it.....

  3. Does this revelation blow the Russian hacking story as Fake news?

  4. The Russian story in reality has been dead for a long time with Clapper stating several times there was no evidence of collusion or actual tampering with voting machines. The MSM has been forwarding the story because they are pimping the DNC. Get a clue people, the Media is against Americans. Get it?

  5. More revelations came out this morning.
    EVERY detective in the nation looks at this crime and see's a murder to shut someone up.
    Add him to the list of a couple of DOZEN associates of the Clintons who knew too much (or were SUSPECTED of knowing too much) and were shot at a lonely intersection on a country road, beaten to death (for no apparent reason), shot in a robbery where nothing was robbed, etc.
    We came THAT CLOSE to electing a full fledged killer into the White House.
    The media sweeps all those murders under the rug.....
    Keep cheering.

  6. Did the leaks stop after Seth Rich's murder?

  7. 12:11 - the murders didn't stop........RIP Gavin MacFadyen

  8. 10:26 AM; Clinton modus operandi going all the way back to Vince Foster.

  9. Let the games finally begin!!

  10. It seems like the more important thing about these emails is THEIR CONTENTS!

    Pedophilia among the politicians.

    Think about it.

  11. Seth Rich was the leaker. This has long been the belief to people who know what's going on. Assange has finally come out and admitted it. When Rich was gunned down in DC while walking home, he had just started working with the Clinton campaign after moving over from the DNC headquarters. Clinton always seems to be around when death turns up. Too coincidental to be a coincident.


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