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Friday, May 05, 2017

COMEY: Huma had no ‘intent’ to send classified info to Weiner

FBI Director James Comey revealed in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday that his agency was investigating Hillary Clinton’s close aide after she forwarded Hillary’s classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner, to print out.

In a line of questioning by Sen. John Kennedy, Comey said the FBI closed its investigation into Abedin after concluding she had no idea what she was doing was in violation of the law.

“Huma Abedin appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him, I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State,” Comey said.

“Is there an investigation with respect to the two of them?” Kennedy asked.

“There was, it — we completed it,” Comey said.

When asked why the FBI concluded neither of them committed a crime, Comey responded, “With respect to Ms. Abedin, we didn’t have any indication that she had a sense that what she was doing was in violation of the law.



  1. Comey needs to be arrested.

  2. Intent doesn't matter...Our politicians and their cronies are above the law.

  3. Since when did a person have to "know" they were breaking a law to be charged, especially when it comes to sharing of classified information.

  4. Whether somebody 'knew' they were breaking a law or showed 'intent' to do something illegal is irrelevant, except perhaps in the sentencing phase after being found guilty.

    Comey should be held to account for this BS dodge.

  5. Comey needs to be fired. His actions have proven to be a threat to National Security. First his contradictory comments on Clinton emails and did not prosecute. Now his statement Huma Abedin had no idea that she was violating the law by forwarding these classified emails to her husband Weiner and to an unsecured computer. How did she get her security clearance / rating if she is that stupid. Lock all of them up.

  6. I didnt have intent on running someone over drunk.? can i use the Comey Act.? .just asking ?.

  7. Prior to handling classified information ALL persons must attend an extensive training class and sign on the dotted line that they are aware of the who, what, when. where and why of how to handling classified material.
    All Comey had to do was to have the documents she signed pertaining to proper procedures regarding how to handle classified documents.
    This document will clearly and specifically show where Ms. Abedin failed to follow proper procedures.
    This also applies to our illustrious failure Sec. of State Hillary C. and how she failed America when she mishandled classified documents.

  8. Laws were broken. Intent has nothing to do with breaking the law... I don't intend on speeding... but i know if i do, i will get caught!

  9. Comey and the FBI had no problem charging a sailor who had absolutely no intent to break the law. Neither did they have any problem charging an instructor who as well had no intent to break the law. In neither case was classified information sent over the internet. Nor is there any indication it was even vulnerable. No indication anyone without a clearance saw it.

    In this case we know full well Anthony saw it.

    Obviously there is an exception to the law for Hillary and any she designates above the law.

  10. Ignorance of he law is no excuse.

  11. Comey should have been fired long, long ago.


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