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Thursday, May 18, 2017

CNN Host Becomes Irate at Former Navy SEAL for Dismissing Trump-Russia Reports

CNN host Kate Bolduan became irate at former Navy SEAL and Donald Trump supporter Carl Higbie on Tuesday after he dismissed reports that alleged the president shared classified information with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office last week.

Bolduan acknowledged Higbie had dealt with highly classified information in the past and asked if it scared him that Trump would share classified information with top Russian officials.

"I've been sitting here quietly listening to all this BS quite frankly. Did you listen to anything [White House National Security Adviser H.R.] McMaster said today?" Higbie asked Bolduan and the rest of the CNN panel. "Where he said, ‘I was in the room, that didn't happen?'"



  1. Either McMasters is lying or their "anonymous" sources are lying. Since no court of law takes the word of an anonymous source I tend to think McMasters is the one telling the truth.

  2. This does not surprise me since CNN is the leader in MSM for supporting and pushing the "shadow government" of Soros, Obama and Clinton. Also who listens to their trash?

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2017 at 12:04 PM

    How dare this ex-marine and others question the mighty "inteligent masterss" of CNN, the mouthpiece of liberal socialist leftists, run by and paid by the Communist George Soros. They demand for us the People, to listen and believe their Bull$#@! Propaganda.
    Not gonna happen. We, the People, had enough! R.I.P. CNN - Clinton News Network is dying slowly but surely.

  4. He should have face planted her.

  5. Man, that was a shame......that former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie kept his cool.

  6. Anonymous said...
    This does not surprise me since CNN is the leader in MSM for supporting and pushing the "shadow government" of Soros, Obama and Clinton. Also who listens to their trash?
    May 18, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    Obviously you listen to their trash lol


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