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Friday, May 26, 2017

Breaking News: Gunmen attacked a bus carrying Egyptian Christians, killing at least 20 people

Gunmen attacked a bus carrying Egyptian Christians south of Cairo on Friday, killing at least 20 people, according to government officials. The attack in Minya Province was the latest in a series of deadly assaults on Egypt’s embattled Christian minority.

The Islamic State bombed the main Coptic cathedral in Cairo on Dec. 11 and attacked a church in Alexandria on Palm Sunday, April 9, killing dozens of people. Violence is not the only problem for the Christian population in Egypt, many of whom have left the country in recent years. Official discrimination makes the practice of Christianity so difficult that some churches operate virtually in hiding.


  1. ...and we think we truly have it bad here in the USA.

    TGIF - stay thirsty friends!

  2. One day these "muslims"'will be voted into office here-then it will be too late

  3. Cowards to attack innocent people.

  4. Another example of the "peaceful" muslim cult.
    Kill kids.
    Slaughter women with their kids.
    I know, its "just a few muslims".
    By "few" they mean about 10 MILLION.

    Think about that number the next time one of your "leaders" talks about "just a few muslims" and how we should all be accepting and welcoming to people whom we know nothing about, except they are muslim.
    Take a chance. YOU take a chance is more accurate ---- your leaders make sure they are surrounded by metal detectors and a small army of killers. YOU shouldn't have any guns, though. You are a serf and you do what you're told, Jack. They are willing to risk your life, just not theirs.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Notice this doesn't warrant wall-to-wall news coverage. It's only Christians. Right?


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