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Friday, May 12, 2017

Black student group at UC Santa Cruz threatens more campus takeovers if additional demands not met

University of California Santa Cruz administrators recently agreed to meet to all four demands lodged by a black student group who commandeered a campus building and would not leave until their conditions were met.

But in addition to the four initial stipulations, the group made three other demands to the university, and it has warned UC Santa Cruz that it has four months to comply with these demands or “more Reclamations” will result.

After three days of occupation by students of Kerr Hall, Chancellor George Blumenthal agreed to give all black and Caribbean-identified students a 4-year housing guarantee to live in the Rosa Parks African American Themed House; bring back the building’s lounge; paint its exterior the “Pan-Afrikan colors” of red, green and black; and force all new incoming students to go through a mandatory diversity competency training.

“The student demonstrators raised a number of issues with campus leaders, issues we fundamentally agree upon,” Blumenthal stated in a May 4 memo to the campus community announcing the concessions. “Students from historically underrepresented communities deal with real challenges on campus and in the community. These difficulties include things that many people take for granted, such as finding housing or even just a sense of community.”



  1. Time to start thumping these racial anarcist commies.

  2. All of this kind of bull s--- needs to be stopped one way or another

  3. Race war is coming. A white man can only take so much!

  4. The president of that school needs to be fired and the students told there would be no consessions and if they try to take over another building they would be expelled. That's it period no discussion.

  5. So when whites peacefully protest they call the National Guard and kids get shot. When blacks take over and barricade themselves in a campus building every one bends over? There's something wrong there, can't pin point it. Give me a minute...

  6. Much of this comes from poor parenting. In many families the children set the rules are in the house. These children then believe they can steam roll over institutions that also have weak or spineless leadership.

  7. 3:45 how can that be true when they didn't have parents to begin with? They may have had fathers and mothers but those people certainly were not parents. Parenting simply was not done - period. Its going to get worse, too.

  8. Stop blaming everyone everything for these monies acting like animals. Their day is coming

  9. It's all organized by the professors in hopes that other colleges do the same to create division and anarchy that's what the left is all about, They think they have a bunch of idiots in black people that they can control by paranoia and emotion.


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