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Monday, May 15, 2017

Black nuclear scientist wins Miss USA; causes liberal MELTDOWN when she says…

Ms. Kara McCullough is your new Miss USA and boy is she ever a handful for liberals. Like any and everything connected to the liberal-dominated entertainment industry, it’s assumed any and all players in it will toe the progressive talking points line and never say or do anything that veers from their group-think society.

As has been the format since forever, each of the contestants are asked live, on-the-spot, thought-provoking questions to gauge their smarts and ability to think on their feet. Those questions used to be about uncontroversial topics such as feeding starving children in Africa – something everyone agrees with.

Those days are gone. Organizers now write politically-charged questions one would assume more likely to be heard on “Face the Nation” than a beauty contest. When confronted with such a question on Saturday night, McCullough knocked liberals right in the teeth with an answer Sean Hannity would be proud of and caused an immediate liberal meltdown.



  1. Its just hilarious watching the liberals explode and throw temper tantrums because someone doesnt support their "entitlements". I love it.

  2. I thought it was racist to say anything negative about her? Oh that's right Nancy and fake Indian determines what is racist in the world...

  3. You go girl - watch the libtards spazz!

  4. Thought ms. New Jersey was hotter. Beast mode

  5. They'll be looking hard for ways to take away her crown.

  6. Good for her. She has two things that don't fit the mold of liberal...beauty and brains.

  7. Never see a white girl in their own "Miss. Black America", and were called "Racists".

  8. That woman is going places!


  9. Attractive woman with a brain; fabulous combination. She makes sense when she speaks. Best of luck with career and during her reign.


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